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Keyshot Light

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Cốt vợt Keyshot light là biểu tượng của dòng Arylate. Rất nhẹ và dễ sử dụng.



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Sản phẩm Cốt vợt-Keyshot Light

 SEARCH: Keyshot Light

Brought back by popular demand, a classic returns with a facelift and at a lighter weight! The original Keyshot blade was one of the first to use Butterfly’s Arylate technology and one of the most popular blades ever sold in North America. The Keyshot-Light features excellent speed, a large sweet spot, good control, and the softer feel that Arylate construction provides.

Speed: 8.4
Control: 7.9
Feel: Soft
Weight: 89g

catelog blades butterfly